All posts by Luca

Copyright Luca Massaro

Industry Spotlight: Liam Tootill

Industry Spotlight is the name of a new series of weekly interviews dedicated to sharing the inspirational stories of key individuals within the entertainment industries.

I am kicking off the series with a young lad I had the pleasure of connecting with around a year ago. When I first spoke to him he explained how he graduated from University and was in the process of working with RWD magazine. He was also interested in working with SBTV (The UK’s most popular youth broadcaster) and expanding on his journalism background.

A year later I caught up with Liam Tootill to hear his story… Continue Reading

Evolution Not Revolution

Adapting to change

2010 was a year I started with mixed emotions having adapting to life as a Music graduate back in London after four years away at University. Armed with nothing but enthusiasm and a wrath of ideas, I knew that 2010 was going to be a year where I would make an impact one way or another.

January I created version one of with the vision of using it to document my ventures, my networks and connections within New Media and Music. I have discussed topics focused around Digital Marketing and Personal Development, with my knowledge being largely based on my current experiences in my personal journey rather than on professional practise.

As the year progressed I found opportunities would open the more I wrote articles. The more original content I distributed across the social space, the more people who didn’t know about me would get in touch wanting to connect. Literally writing about social communication to expand on my social connections.

After interning at the start of 2010 at various establishments, I gained some significant freelance work that allowed me to begin taking my academic knowledge and personal experiences into the workplace.

I had to learn very quickly to pick and choose which projects I was to devote my time to as it was evident the social space opened the door for anybody and everybody to become an expert at one thing or another. I also had to pick and choose which people I could afford to spend my time talking with openly, as everything we say and everyone we talk to, is seen by those around us.
This is where I began understanding my audience.

Amidst the professional growth I also used the social space to meet a certain individual who helped me understand much more about who I was, who I was becoming and what I could achieve. Her belief in me has allowed me to take a well needed break when needed, as previously I had been known for burning the candle at both ends and being consistently run down both mentally and physically.

Progression and growth

By Mid 2010 I knew things were beginning to piece together and carve a path that would allow me to understand what strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats would affect my future, and ultimately which direction I would take in my career.

I’m not sure where along my journey of school, college, Music Academy and University I would realise that it wasn’t my creativity that would allow me to achieve, but more my ability to recognise opportunities.

Oooh... nice lifestream Mr. Luca... Love that blue!

The problem is that we live in a selfish world and the social space has created a platform for egos to manifest based on meaningless statistics and business to grow for both individuals and companies purely built on the manipulation of how we communicate. A new form of guerilla marketing so to speak.

Where the opportunity is in the above statement is to become part of the machine and to market to the majority of people who are searching for answers and a definitive return of investment in their quest. However, the opportunity for me is NOT to join the machine (well you guessed that already), but to pick up on my strengths, and my philosophy taken from The Layer Cake..

‘The art to good business is being a good middle man.’

Doesn't my new Twitter profile look grand!

Evolution not revolution

It’s now 2011 (wow do I feel old), more companies than ever are going to emerge offering new solutions to problems that are not even problems and more individuals are going to claim to be experts. The creative space is far more competitive than ever before and with so many people too focused on getting their numbers up (not money by the way) and being noticed, there are gaps for opportunities.

Rather than a) Joining the machine or b) Fighting against it like some kind anti-Zuckerberg; I am going to be that guy in the middle. Documenting the good and the bad of the space but most evidently, making a full effort to shed light on those individuals that are doing the good AND the bad in the space.

People don’t care about other people like they used to. The 2011 online professional person cares far too much about themself, their small life and how their reputation looks online that they all lose track of how important it is to be transparent and selfless in social media. To network in and out of local communities, assist others who need a boost and also give praise to not just the elite, but also to grass roots and the foundation players who are the future of this crazy place.

Quotable: Everyone is so focused on chatting pointless shit, regurgitating recycled information with the idea that their network will pinpoint them as a visionary and a thought leader. It’s all buzzword bullshit from egocentric sales people.

For me, my life is still within Entertainment. Not Music or Art where I have resided previously; but in Sports Marketing. I see a wealth of opportunity ahead of me, I work in Football, for one of the World’s best known clubs and I know that it is only a matter of time before I make my mark in the entertainment industry.

One to think about:
Have you become online the person you ARE in real life or have you become in real life the person you CREATED online?

What Is Your Motivation?

A question that goes over my head while i sit and examine my life and my career journey; where i am, how i got here and where the hell am i heading.

It seems to be the sauna at my health club where the thinking process occurs; this time when a random chap begins talking (like hello, this isn’t the place to make chit chat pal, im nearly naked).

Anyway, we were talking about what fields we are in; this guy is apparently a semi-pro Rugby player, struggling to reach the next level and not sure if this is the life he actually wants.

He spoke of not being given opportunities by his coach and the feeling like he was being neglected. He said he never had the urge to go beyond what was asked of him because he wondered why he should seeing as no-one would notice.

This got me thinking (as always).

What is it that motivates us to go that little bit further? Beyond what is being asked of us or what is the necessary and strive to make things happen that are not in front of our faces.

Motivation is a funny thing; it acts as an ever lurking energy within the spirit, cropping up in every decision we make. It creates reason, and with reason we create actions.

Getting out of bed for example, especially when you know you could fall back to sleep on the touch of the snooze button. Is that a form of motivation we can consider a positive, or is it based primarily on fear? Fear from our employers, fear of letting people down or even fear of failure.

As humans we are very different and a persons motivation will no doubt vary from the events in our past, the thoughts in our present and by the aspirations in our future.

To reach that goal, to strive for that next level and to achieve beyond what is considered the norm, we have to dig deep; understand what our motivation is, and transform the thought in our brains to an action in our lives.

It is within our journey for self fulfilment (call me Socrates) that we find the key to our minds and unlock the truth (or Sigmund Freud) behind what truly motivates us to achieve.

Call To Action

It is incredibly easy to just coast and float along, but being labelled average is far worse than being labelled a failure, in my opinion anyway.

The call to action from this post… What is your motivation? What is your tipping point and at what stage do you get up out of bed with the mentality that today is going to be the day that you make things happen?

Don’t answer the above… Just do it!