All posts by Luca

Copyright Luca Massaro

Presenting… Industry Spotlight

Industry Spotlight is the name of a new series of weekly interviews dedicated to highlighting the behind the scenes players in the entertainment industries.

No stars, no celebrities (except to their mothers they may be) and no link bait.

Industry Spotlight is the first of my attempts to provide insight into the people behind the things we follow, read, watch and discuss online.

If you want to suggest somebody who you believe needs a spotlight shone on their head in the public eye, drop me a line via the contact page.

Industry Spotlight interviews will go live each and every Monday as of 24th January 2011.

Sidenote: I will proceed to create link bait articles when I run out of ideas. At that point I will write about the Industry Spotlight interviews, the best of the interviews, the worst of them, the interviews in chronological order by Twitter followers, then by number of Facebook friends, then by age and so on…

Personal Branding Tips &

I often speak about Personal Branding , Personal Development and how we can use Digital Tools to assist both those areas.

The most important asset to any individual looking to raise their brand online, is a Personal Website.
It is the forefront of you online, the home of your image and the gateway to opportunity.

Therefore if you are in the position where you are thinking of getting yourself a professional website, you should be considering some of these questions:

  • Who do i get to build my Website or do i try do it myself?
  • What platform do i use to build the site?
  • Are there any layout templates or do i have to get one coded?
  • Where do i get the Hosting for my site?

Then you will ask yourself the all important question:

  • Damn, what name do i even give my site that best suits the image i want to portray?

Choosing a name for your personal Website is like naming your first born, (ok, i’m speculating here but it’s important). You may think your name isn’t very catchy or you may want to go with an alias.

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Back To The Drawing Board

Currently in a state of no motivation, recovering from flu and illness and a severe writers block, questioning the life of this site and if writing on Social Media and Digital Technology is even worth it.
The content is everywhere, and to be honest im bored of reading and writing about how we can use Social Media to improve our business and lives.

In the past few months i’ve changed a lot and my outlook on both projects i am/was involved in has also changed. This is due to a flip in career direction and also meeting someone who has made a large impact on my life. Now im feeling good about things, but im questioning my reasoning for all this in the first place.

I’ve written on Urban Music on my previous Music Blog and transferred the learnings to this site where my career is in football as a Digital Analyst (It’s ironic that my job is to be the guy that thinks too much and explains the what, where, why and how).

My other persona lives on a gaming site named The Urban Gamer, again created to use influences from Urban Music merged with Video Games. There isn’t really a huge business model here, just playing games and writing about them. My team are brilliant though! Big up the UG crew!

As for this site, i’m currently brainstorming to figure out a niche area to focus on. Im buggered if im gonna continue on this path scouring the net for Digital recycled content to put my own thoughts on like a bootleg version of Mashable.

Thinking back, one of the first posts i wrote for this site was about the benefits of a Performance Appraisal.

This is a key exert from that post:

The 4 main reasons for Appraisal are:

Motivation and Satisfaction – Performance appraisal can have a profound effect on levels of employee motivation and satisfaction – for better as well as for worse.

Training and Development – Performance appraisal offers an excellent opportunity – perhaps the best that will ever occur – for a supervisor and subordinate to recognize and agree upon individual training and development needs.

Recruitment and Induction – Appraisal data can be used to monitor the success of the organization’s recruitment and induction practices.

Evaluation – At its most basic level, performance appraisal is the process of examining and evaluating the performance of an individual.

So within these four values, i was set a specific set of questions on how to construct this task.

– What is my Ultimate Vision?
– Why am I Doing This?
– 3 areas to strive for?
– Define a set of goals that i want to achieve.

It’s been over six months since that post and somewhere along the journey of being an unemployed depressed bum to an entrepreneurial freelancing mastermind to an employed Digital Whiz Kid, i have let go of the fundamentals.

I’m going back to basics and back to the drawing board to figure out where i went wrong/right.

I’ll be back soon chappies! In the mean time, you can follow me on if you aren’t already.
