All posts tagged iAmLuca

A letter to Twitter…

Dear Twitter,

This week you turned five years old. Marketing scams, iPad & baked bean bots and Beliebers army aside, you have become the single most useful and important tool in my life. I’m not referring to you keeping me in the loop within my industry, but the human connection and the opportunity this has afforded me from being a loyal user over the years.

Do you remember how we met? Continue Reading

Industry Spotlight: Arianna O’ Dell

Industry Spotlight is the name of a new series of weekly interviews dedicated to sharing the inspirational stories of key individuals within the entertainment industries.

Firstly apologies for the gap between the last Industry Spotlight and this one. Slight family drama and wasn’t able to post last week, but no problemo; we is back and ready to roll out yet another inspirational interview.

I first met this young lady through Twitter (no doubt) and was immediately impressed by the numerous projects she was getting involved in. There’s something about someone who is willing to take risks and act creatively upon impulse with ideas and Arianna O’Dell is that someone. Continue Reading

Copyright Luca Massaro

Industry Spotlight: Paul Marsh

Industry Spotlight is the name of a new series of weekly interviews dedicated to sharing the inspirational stories of key individuals within the entertainment industries.

Another week and it’s time for another look into the life of an inspirational individual. If you are knew to this series, please take a moment to check out week one and week two’s Industry Spotlight interviews; I guarantee you will find something to take from both of those. Continue Reading