We all know very well that activity within social networking can lead to distractions. With one click, we can find ourselves hopelessly lost in a labyrinth of fascinating experiences that have nothing to do with our initial focus. Serendipity is part of the splendor of social media, but it is something that necessitates discipline to learn, entertain and be entertained, while also staying the course. In the end, we exchange time and privacy for exposure and attention. – Brian Solis
No title, just a big bold font
Some of you may have noticed that I have been vacant from the social space for a while now. I vacated the social space on Oct 30th 2011 and have written this to give a little insight into the madness.
From Facebook to Twitter, Google+ to the infamous Klout. I’m over it.
I believe in innovation, ideas and creativity.
I have a passion for building, sharing and meeting real innovators.
Unfortunately I don’t believe that I achieve these traits in the social space and social networks (or mine particularly) carry the same value they once used to.
I have spent the best part of my twenties trying to find a balance that allows me to excel, achieve and enjoy life at the same time. Social media and the rise of opportunity that came with it, gave me all I needed to excel, but I am yet to find that balance of work/life happiness.
Time is everything and there is not enough of it. Status updates, following, subscribing, liking, sharing, replying, commenting, retweeting, scoring systems and badges leading to split personality disorders, manifested egos, over the top arrogance, utter bullshit and fakeness, lack of productivity, vision, direction and innovation, uncertainty, stress, boredom and ultimately… burn out.
I really want to say more, but right now I am not sure how to say it. So i’ll leave you with this from Brian Solis that sums it all up nicely.
The reality is that the cost of social networking is great and without checks and balances, engagement can cost us more capital than we have to spend. The net result is then social and emotional bankruptcy. And, the most difficult part of this unfortunate state is that it is at first difficult to recognize and far more exacting to overcome.
There’s a saying, “everything in moderation,” but it’s impossible to explore these new horizons with anything less than exuberance. This is our time and who we are online and in the real world is ours to define. But without ambition, desire, and focus, social media is a recipe for chaos. Through all of the distractions and fatigue, we must continually renew our focus to bring important goals to life based on our actions and words in each social network.
I ask you to pause for a moment. Think about what it is that inspires you. Think about what it is you are trying to achieve. Now, look at what it is you’re doing today and compare these activities and results to your aspirations. Do this at fixed intervals over time to plot your position and look ahead to where it is you’re hoping to reach. Then ask yourself, “am I on the right path?” Never stop asking that question. The answers are more important than you might think. – Brian Solis
Quotes are taken from this post by Brian Solis – The Human Cost of Social Connectivity