All posts in Fundamentals

What is Your Legacy?

Something I think about quite regularly as time passes is Legacy. What will I leave behind?

In historical terms, a legacy is something that is handed down from one period of time to another period of time.

I have a huge fear of failure. I am afraid that I could go through this one life we have, achieve very little and die without leaving anything behind for anyone to remember me. Hence why I have the following quote locked to my blog page:

The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but living without a purpose

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Copyright Luca Massaro

Industry Spotlight: Paul Marsh

Industry Spotlight is the name of a new series of weekly interviews dedicated to sharing the inspirational stories of key individuals within the entertainment industries.

Another week and it’s time for another look into the life of an inspirational individual. If you are knew to this series, please take a moment to check out week one and week two’s Industry Spotlight interviews; I guarantee you will find something to take from both of those. Continue Reading

Are You A Sheep or A Wolf?

For the striving professional and the average think tank, the market is competitive and the opportunities are few and far between. To excel, strive, succeed and achieve you have to set yourself apart from the pack. Fact!

To be seen as a valuable asset to any leading company or industry, you have to show the world that regardless of any knock-backs, rejections or periods of doubt in your ability; you are still confident that you have the tools in the locker to make yourself a success.

In the digital age an individual must understand the power of self branding. Social Media has revolutionised the way in which people connect and there isn’t a more evident time to get yourself noticed.

To stand out from the millions of sheep that spend the majority of their time watching what everyone else is doing, you have to be confident that you can offer what others can’t, creative with ideas and have the vision to see the next big thing before the sheep take it with them to slaughter.

Now… Are You A Sheep or A Wolf?