All posts by Luca

How Much Do You Really Know About Your Customers?

With Social Media being the over exaggerated terminology this millennium, most companies have looked to Social Media for a remedy by which they will create new and formidable revenue streams.

For most Social Media is a confusing area and businesses are constantly asking questions to their staff or their agencies as to how they can utilise their Social audience for monetary value.

For me; if you want to create new revenue streams using social media, you need to ask questions. The first being: ‘how much do we know about our customers?’ Continue Reading

The Drugs Don’t Work, They Just Make You Worse

Not so long ago I took a break from the social space for a short period. Not a big deal for most, but being that Social Media is my job, it became a big deal. There was an array of reasons why, but the main cause was down to a form of information overload I was suffering from in which Brian Solis coined as Social Network Fatigue. Continue Reading