All posts tagged Luca Massaro

A letter to Twitter…

Dear Twitter,

This week you turned five years old. Marketing scams, iPad & baked bean bots and Beliebers army aside, you have become the single most useful and important tool in my life. I’m not referring to you keeping me in the loop within my industry, but the human connection and the opportunity this has afforded me from being a loyal user over the years.

Do you remember how we met? Continue Reading

Industry Spotlight: Becca Caddy

Industry Spotlight is the name of a new series of weekly interviews dedicated to highlighting the behind the scenes players in the entertainment industries.

At the bottom of every Industry Spotlight interview, I leave a note stating that if anyone wants to recommend an individual to be interviewed then to get in touch. On that note, this spotlight has been recommended by the lovely Silver Fox.

Reem tells me about a successful young lady who writes for multiple different websites and one who carries an elegant display of confidence when she is conversing with her network on Twitter. After a short spell of research I agree that Becca Caddy is clearly motivated, inspired and gives off a positive aura to all those around her.

I am delighted to publish this week’s Industry Spotlight piece with Becca Caddy. Continue Reading

What is Your Legacy?

Something I think about quite regularly as time passes is Legacy. What will I leave behind?

In historical terms, a legacy is something that is handed down from one period of time to another period of time.

I have a huge fear of failure. I am afraid that I could go through this one life we have, achieve very little and die without leaving anything behind for anyone to remember me. Hence why I have the following quote locked to my blog page:

The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but living without a purpose

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