All posts in Personal Development

What is Your Legacy?

Something I think about quite regularly as time passes is Legacy. What will I leave behind?

In historical terms, a legacy is something that is handed down from one period of time to another period of time.

I have a huge fear of failure. I am afraid that I could go through this one life we have, achieve very little and die without leaving anything behind for anyone to remember me. Hence why I have the following quote locked to my blog page:

The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but living without a purpose

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Industry Spotlight: Arianna O’ Dell

Industry Spotlight is the name of a new series of weekly interviews dedicated to sharing the inspirational stories of key individuals within the entertainment industries.

Firstly apologies for the gap between the last Industry Spotlight and this one. Slight family drama and wasn’t able to post last week, but no problemo; we is back and ready to roll out yet another inspirational interview.

I first met this young lady through Twitter (no doubt) and was immediately impressed by the numerous projects she was getting involved in. There’s something about someone who is willing to take risks and act creatively upon impulse with ideas and Arianna O’Dell is that someone. Continue Reading

Sport & Social Media Event 2011 [Full Video]

On Wednesday 9th February 2011, I took part in the Sport and Social Media event as part of Social Media Week London.

The event featured speakers from the BBC, Rugby Football Union and a London derby presentation battle between Arsenal Football Club and Chelsea Football Club. Continue Reading