All posts in Events
Digital Sport London
Digital Sport London is the new name for a regular series of events run by the UK Sports Network. We’re dedicated to bring people within the sports digital industry together to learn, get to know each other and become more of a community.
This year there have been two UKSN events, looking at the rise of video within the industry with the likes of BT Sport, Google and Copa90 as well as fire-side chat with Richard Ayers.
In this first Digital Sport London event we have brought together some fantastic people who will be talking about and asking questions of the use of digital around live events. This can be looked at by some as second-screen fan engagement (or first screen to others) as more companies are working closely with clubs and federations around live sports events to bring them closer to action, entertain them and provide that missing live experience.
It is being held at the recently opened space at the heart of London’s Tech City. The Bakery is a dedicated workspace and accelerator programme designed to introduce great new technology from all over the world to large brands and their agencies. It’s a great 3,000sqm space that has it’s own bar and breakout areas as well as the main presentation area.

Social Travel & Tourism Masterclass
The Social Travel & Tourism Masterclass will show senior travel & tourism executives how they can deploy the latest social marketing tools and techniques to generate new business and retain loyal customers across all customer touchpoints. Core themes covered include mobile, SoLoMo, social commerce, influence and conversational marketing.
At the free to attend, half-day event, delegates will hear from social experts during a brief initial presentation, before moving to a more in-depth consultation during the round-table discussions. In addition, a leading travel or tourism brand will give a keynote about its social journey.